Teaching Fellow Spotlights: From Students to Teachers

Teaching Fellow Spotlights: From Students to Teachers

Dewayne is a Cambridge student alum (class of 2017) and a current soon-to-be senior at Lesley University and will be joining us for his second year as a Teaching Fellow in Somerville.   What are you looking forward to most about this summer?I’m most looking forward to...
Alexandra Chang, Teaching Fellow

Alexandra Chang, Teaching Fellow

 “I had always loved school and teachers, but I was on the fence about a career in education. Joining Breakthrough was the catalyst. – Alexandra Chang, Founding Teaching and current Instructional Coach, Boston Campus Breakthrough’s Summer Program was...
Bria Watson, Teaching Fellow

Bria Watson, Teaching Fellow

  “I talk about Breakthrough and every time, I cry…. because it has given me so much. I am starting a teaching career because of what I learned there, over the best summers of my life.”  – Bria Watson, Founding Teaching Fellow, Somerville Campus When a...
Kiara Boone, Breakthrough Teaching Fellow

Kiara Boone, Breakthrough Teaching Fellow

“Breakthrough is a collection of memories and lessons that I carry into my classroom each year – a constant reminder of the community I wish to build and the relationships I desire to forge with students.” – Kiara Boone, Breakthrough Teaching...
Anjali Nirmalan, Breakthrough Teaching Fellow

Anjali Nirmalan, Breakthrough Teaching Fellow

“At my interview, the program director asked me: how far are you willing to go for our kids? And I told her, I’ll put on a chicken suit if that’s what it takes to get them to learn. Later in the summer she told me that that was the moment when she hired me. And...