Student Success

Breakthrough’s Success with Students

For over 30 years, BTGB has been closing opportunity gaps, combating summer learning loss, and preparing students for success in college. Breakthrough has consistently demonstrated that low-income students of color can achieve at the highest levels when engaged in a culture of high expectations and provided the support necessary to advance academically.

Breakthrough students grow an average of 2 months in math each summer, as opposed to the two months regression experienced by students without summer programming.

Over the past ten years, 94% of our graduating seniors have been admitted to college.


82% of Breakthrough alums are persisting in college, far outpacing the national average of 14% for low-income students.

Each summer, over 90% of students improve their science skills in biology, chemistry and physics.

Breakthrough students improve their reading level by 1.8 months in six weeks.

On average, two thirds of Breakthrough students made growth in assertiveness and empathy.

BTGB Students also show an above average improvement in critical thinking and Growth Mindset.