Leadership Giving

Breakthrough Greater Boston’s Giving Circles represent a critical source of our annual program funding and provide a foundation of  support for our students and teachers. We salute our generous Giving Circle donors for their shared vision of educational equity and their recognition of Breakthrough Greater Boston as a means to its achievement. To learn more about leadership giving and our giving circles, contact Andrew Jackson, Managing Director of Development and Partnerships at ajackson@btgbmail.org | 731.514.8234

Educators' Circle

Individual Leadership Donors

Educators’ Circle members contribute $10,000 or more annually in support of our programs. The investment these major donors make in Breakthrough demonstrates a commitment to sending all young people to college, regardless of their zip code or family income and to inspiring bright, diverse college students to become teachers.

Our Educators' Circle Members


Investors' Circle

Corporate, Foundation and Governmental Leadership Investors

Investors’ Circle members contribute $5,000 or more annually in support of our programs. Our relationships with institutional investors are mutually beneficial and often multifaceted. Partnerships include employee volunteering, donation of program and event space, hosting summer interns, and more. Strong, broad based institutional support is essential to underwrite our growth across three cities. Leadership from institutional supporters, both local and national, provides a powerful endorsement of our mission and serves as a catalyst for broader community investment.

Our Investors' Circle Members

Sustainers' Circle

Multi-Year Giving Group

Sustainers’ Circle members commit to supporting Breakthrough for three consecutive years. These individuals understand the importance of the long-term investment we make in our students and make that same investment in Breakthrough. It is thanks to sustaining gifts that Breakthrough can plan for the future, develop new programming, and grow alongside our students and teachers.

Breakthrough Ambassadors

Annual Giving Group

Breakthrough Ambassadors contribute $1,200 or more annually in support of our programs. Join a group of dynamic and committed individuals whose loyal support is critical to Breakthrough’s growth. Each Breakthrough Ambassador puts one teacher through Breakthrough’s high‐energy, rigorous teaching fellowship for one summer.

Our Breakthrough Ambassadors

Legacy Society

Planned Giving for Breakthrough’s Future

Breakthrough’s Legacy Society exists to recognize and thank individuals and families who have made a bequest or planned gift to Breakthrough Greater Boston. By becoming a Legacy Society member, you will be making an invaluable contribution to securing the future for Breakthrough and will be joining others in helping provide for generations of students and teachers to come. Your Legacy Society membership will serve as an inspiration to all who share your vision for Breakthrough’s future.